Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

To Be

Ada beberapa macam to be, yaitu:
I ->am

he, she, mr. Anto, mrs. Ana, the bus, it ->is

we, you, they, Anto and Ana ->are

I, he, she, Ana, it ->was

we, you, they, Anto and Ana ->were.

To be digunakan dalam kurun waktu, yaitu waktu sekarang dan waktu lampau.

Di dalam pokok kalimat to be mempunyai 5 kegunaan, yaitu:

1. Setelah to be diikuti kata benda (nouns)
I am a doctor
He is an engineer
They are farmers
My father is a lawyer

2. Setelah to be diikuti kata sifat (adjectives)
Ana is very beautiful
It is very interesting
Tono was sick last week

3. Setelah to be diikuti kata keterangan (adverbs)
Mr. Anto was in Kebumen yesterday.
They are at home today.

4. Setelah to be diikuti verb+ ing, digunakan dalam kalimat Past/ Present Continuous Tense
He is reading book now.
He was smoking a cigar when I saw him.

5. Setelah to be kata kerja bentuk ke 3 dan digunakan dalam bentuk pasif.
I am given a book by Mustakim.
My bus was stolen by someone.

Pada kalimat tanya to be berada di depan subject dan pada kalimat negatif terdapat kata tambahan "not" di belakang to be.


(+) Mustakim is a good student.
(-) Mustakim isn't a good student.
(?) Is Mustakim a good student?

(+) Aji Sucahyo was late for school.
(-) Aji Sucahyo wasn't late for school.
(?) Was Aji Sucahyo late for school?

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